The Agnes Irwin School Parents’ Council
October 13, 2022
Meeting at 672 Conestoga and via livestream
The purpose of the Agnes Irwin Parents’ Council is to foster a positive spirit within the Agnes Irwin community, and to provide financial support for education facilities, opportunities, and enrichment. The Agnes Irwin Parents’ council communicates with the school’s administration to ensure that all activities and financial contributions support the school’s mission and create the best possible environment for all Agnes Irwin students to grow and thrive.
President’s Welcome – Nissa O’Mara
· Fall Event Recap
o Band, Bubbles & Beer – 150 people attended on a beautiful day. – Thank to co-chairs Maura Daniels, Erin Hinckle and Lesley Coulson for planning the event. Plan to come next year if you missed it!
o The Agnes Irwin Cup – This event was held yesterday on another amazing fall weather day. 18- foursomes played at Sunnybrook Golf Club and even more attended the evening cocktail reception and dinner. Thank you to co-chairs Alice Bullitt, Carrie Grau & Kara Chisholm. New spirit gear was introduced for sale at this event including golf umbrellas, women’s quarter zip and mens golf shirts. This is the first wave of new spirit gear that will be on sale during spirit week
· RenAISsance – open this morning and every morning before Parents’ Council meetings. All the money comes back to Parents’ Council and in turn gets donated back to school to benefit our girls
o Please donate gently used uniforms. We are in specific need of Pre-K/Kindergarten tunics and upper school kilts. You can leave your donation in the bin outside of the renAISsance room
Division Coordinators’ Report
· Upper School – Maura Daniels
o 10/12
§ 9th grade - day of service at cradles to crayons
§ 10th & 11th grade took the PSAT
§ 12th grade had an essay writing workshop
o Tonight (10/13) CAG speaker event. Janice Kaplan, author of “The Genius of Women”. 5:30-6:30 cocktail reception in the West Wike Theater followed by the presentation.
o Fall Ball – Saturday, October 15th - 7:30-9:30 in the SLC.
§ Tickets are $10 and guests must bring ID.
§ They have to stay until 9:30 once they arrive.
§ They can drive but parking is limited. Horseshoe is closed off, parking on Ithan. Carpool if you can.
o Marking period ends 10/26
o Conferences are 10/27 & 10/28. Pick a time is open to schedule your conference
o All class cocktail parties are planned and one has already happened
o AIS-EA day – November 11th. Kick off spirit week Friday, 11/4 at Spirit Fair.
o Junior DC trip is a one day trip. Date tbd
· Middle School – Nissa O’Mara for Alice Bullitt
o Heather Kalodner is back this week from maternity leave. She is back to being point of contact to get in touch with anyone in the middle school office
o 8th grade is on their 2 night trip in NYC. They will be back Friday (10/14)
o 7th grade overnight trip to Washington D.C. is 11/3-11/4
o Conferences are 10/27 & 10/28 and pick a time is open. Girls do not have school on 10/27 & 10/28
o Upper school preview for 8th grade parents. There will be a series of sessions. 1st session is 10/25 from 8:45 am-10:00 am.
· Lower School – Jody Seibert
o Parent-Teacher Conferences are 10/27 & 10/28. The girls do not have school these days. Zoom is an option for conferences. Teachers will be happy to have one parent in person and one on zoom to make it convenient for you.
o All students have been screened for support services and parents will be notified prior to conferences if your child qualifies for student support services
o Halloween parade on 10/31 at 1:30 – upper school gym. Girls are dismissed after parade
o AIS-EA Day – 11/11
§ Spirit week (11/7-11/11). There will be a few free dress days. Lower school girls are encouraged to attend pasta dinner and dances. They will attend the prep rally.
§ 4th grade girls host the lower school girls the morning of 11/11 in the buck for a fun fair that includes dances and face painting
§ Not an early dismissal day for lower school but girls can be picked up early to attend games at EA
o Lower School Nurse Update-
§ There is a rotation schedule of upper and middle school nurses for the next month during peak hours until a full time nurse is hired
o Parents in the Classroom
§ Contact your daughters teacher if you want to come into the classroom as a parent reader
§ Librarian -Melissa Josef is always looking for volunteers to help in the library. Contact if you would like to volunteer
Events Report – Nissa O’Mara for Ann Thorkelson
· Spirit Fair- Spirit Gear Sales
o Spirit Fair – November 4th, 5:30-7:00 on the lower school field.
§ There will Bounce houses, D.J. Howard, games, and multiple food trucks (Taco, pizza and funnel cake.
§ Silent auction (will end at 7). Thanks to all those who have donated to the class baskets.
§ You will receive an email next week with all the details and a link to register
§ There are many ways to help out. Sign up geniuses will be out soon. Sign up to make something for the bake sale or for a shift to help at the fair
§ Contact Tracey Berman at or Melissa Purcell if you would like to help out with this event
o All School Bonfire
§ Following Spirit Fair on the lower school field. 11/4 at 7:00
§ Fire company is managing the bonfire
§ Lights will be brought in so people can see on the field
o Spirit Gear -
§ Available starting at Spirit Fair on November 4th –
§ Thanks to co-chairs Lisa Fusco, Sheryl Reidenbach and Jen Gallagher for assembling some amazing new gear for this season
§ Lots of new apparel. There is everything from Pom-poms and light up tutus to Lululemon pieces and gear for men.
§ Gear will be for sale for several days during spirit week during lunch time for MS and US girls and in the morning for LS.
§ No online ordering. Popular gear will sell out fast.
· Owlidays – November 16th
o Expanded stores geographically. There are stores ranging from Newtown Square, Chestnut Hill, Bryn Mawr, Wayne and Ardmore. List of stores is on AIS-ON and is constantly being added to.
o Your ticket gets you 20% off at participating stores. All the shopping is done that day.
o Cocktail Party at Valley Forge Flowers in the evening beginning at 5:00. Ticket gets you admission, food and drink. Open to everyone not just AIS community, bring neighbors and mom. Great jump start to holiday shopping.
o Sign up genius for volunteers will be coming out soon. Volunteer for 1 hour shifts for check in on the day of the event at Valley Forge Flowers.
· AIS/EA Day Booth at EA
o They will be selling Spirit gear and handing out hot chocolate.
o EA has said they will have the same food options they have the day of the boys event and food will be available for purchase by AIS students
o MS girls get bussed to EA. Parents will need to sign permission slip to let school know if they will be picked up at EA or back at AIS
New Business
· Next PC Meeting: November 10th (day before AIS/EA day)
· Please follow us on social media
o Facebook: Agnes Irwin Parents’ Council
o Instagram: @aisparentscouncil