Kindergarten Class News Letter
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Hay Fair

Save the Date


We are excited to announce that Hay Fairwill be held onFriday, November 1st in the Upper/Middle School Gym from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm.


Hay Fairis the kick-off event for AIS/EA Day Spirit Week and will include live music, free family-friendly activities, a silent auction and snacks! Admission is free but it is important that every family attending this event make a reservation. We need an accurate count so that we can staff the event and activities appropriately.  There will be a nominal cost for snacks and rides.


We would love to have you join us on the Hay Fair Committee! If you are interested we ask that you attend one of two planning meetings. Planning meetings are scheduled for Wednesday morning, September 25th from 8:15 am to 9:15 am at 672 Conestoga Road and Thursday evening, October 3rd from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at 672 Conestoga Road. Please email Cathy Ferguson at to RSVP. Make sure you let her know which meeting you are attending.


Ways to Support Hay Fair:


1.      Attend Hay Fair with your entire family. Click here to make a reservation and to purchase ride tickets.

2.      Donate an item to the silent auction. Click hereto donate online. Or, contact Michelle Matarazzo at We are looking for concert tickets, sporting event tickets, jewelry, vacation homes and more! No donation is too small or too large!

3.      Become a Hay Fair Sponsor. Sponsorships include activity tickets, recognition at the event and on our web site as well as naming opportunities. Sponsorships start at $250.00 Click here to become a sponsor.

4.      Volunteer to work a shift at one of the booths.  We need help with games, popcorn, the baked good booth, the silent auction, set up, break down, decorations... Click here to volunteer.

5.      Donate to you class basket.  These themed baskets will be part of the silent auction. Your basket coordinator will contact you shortly with the details.



We look forward to seeing you at Hay Fair

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