Twelfth Grade Class Parent Newsletters
Saturday, September 1, 2018

Minutes from Senior Class Breakout Session

September 11, 2019



Caroline Slinghuff  (Class of 2020 Dean)


Lots of excitement for the class of 2020!

They are the 150th graduation class

Her door is always open to the girls as well as their parents

Her office is located just past the admissions offices, in the middle school hallway on the 1st floor

It has been a great start to the year with the 1st tailgate prior to the first day of school

They all did a great job with their lower school buddies and will continue to meet with them throughout the school year


Wigs Frank (Senior Class Dean)


This will be his 31st senior class to be dean for

Senior Year is not only about college.

Most exciting year for the girls as they are the leaders of the school

October might be a difficult month because of early and rolling college admissions. Your even keeled child may start to be affected by the stresses around them.  He advised us to have Kleenex and ice cream on hand!!

The best quote from Wigs was “They will survive the Fall.  They will work really hard.  They will be anxious about college.  When we come back and see them in January, we will talk about the 2nd half of the year when they are eager to do absolutely nothing!” ”Senior year is quite schizophrenic.  Good luck!”


Sharon Shaver- Booster Club


A couple of years ago a group of senior parents formed a group solely to provide the senior girls with fun surprises throughout the year.  Sharon will be our liaison to the administration to get approval of ideas and dates on the calendar and to coordinate with the parents.  Some events from the past two years have been bringing therapy dogs in right after early admissions decisions, a taco truck for Cinco de Mayo and a Hot Chocolate Bar before the Holiday Assembly

This group is open to everyone.  If you are interested in helping to plan an event or have ideas please contact Sharon.  Her email is  These will be Fun-filled, Parent Led and Parent Funded events. 


Meg Scott and Sarah Quin-College Counseling


Senior Parent Kick Off Party, September 17th, 7-8:30pm, Alumnae Lobby


This is your opportunity to ask any and all questions!  We will be receiving an email with all the attachments that our girls received on orientation day.  All attachments that have been handed out thus far are also located on Naviance in the Document Resource Portal.  Please review before the kick off party.


PSAT day, October 16th, will be an ALL DAY College Application Workshop. 

The girls will have a parent planned surprise and a Mindfulness session to help break up the day and alleviate stress. 


On Sunday, October 27th, there will be an Open house for girls to come in and work on their applications before November 1st deadlines. 


They will meet with our girls during wellness which occurs once a cycle for 70 minutes.

They also will have “quick question” time most days at 11:35am and from 8-8:30am. 

One of the college counselors will be available to answer quick questions that may arise. 

They have a beautiful new space.  The girls love to hang out there. 


They will have 100 college reps visiting before November 1st therefore the College Counselors are quite busy and they don’t always get back to their emails or phone messages until the end of the work day.  If you need them urgently, please call Amanda Benincasa (CC admin) and she can get a hold of them.


Yearbook Parent Ads


Parent ads will be $100 full page and $50 half page. I'm waiting to hear back on specifics regarding the pages themselves as well as a deadline. I will let you know as soon as I hear!





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