Parents’ Council Meeting Agenda

Thursday, October 10, 2019


The purpose of the Agnes Irwin School’s Parents’ Council is to foster a positive spirit within the Agnes Irwin community and to provide financial support for educational facilities, opportunities, and enrichment.  Parents’ Council communicates with the School’s administration to ensure that all activities and financial contributions support the School’s mission and creates the best possible environment for all Agnes Irwin Students to grow and thrive.


President’s Welcome – Sara Glaser


Divisional Updates

Lower School – Delia Biddison

  • Lower School Assemblies are every Wednesday in the Buck 1:10pm. All parents are welcome to attend. Carol Hillman will add to AIS-On calendar. Next Leadership Assembly is Oct 16th launching Communication & Listening. New process where a homeroom teacher/grade is responsible for leading these assemblies.
  • No change with Halloween parade on 10/31: 1:30-2:45pm
  • Buddy Bench ambassador program will begin (grades 1-4)
  • PALS program to launch, run by Ms. Beaman: Upper School volunteers are matched to a lower school buddy. LS Homeroom teacher will nominate student or students and why they should be nominated. Trying to match students with shared experiences.
  • MAP testing completed. Will use these tests to determine if a student needs a specialist - will be notified around parent teacher conference.
  • Learning Specialist position has been narrowed to a few finalists - hoping to make an offer soon
  • Dismissal changes must be submitted to Carol Hillman before noon
  • Upcoming Dates:

October 9: Yom Kippur, No Classes

October 17&18: Fall Parent Teacher Conferences, 10/18 no classes

October 30: 4th Grade Parent Transition Coffee

October 31: LS Halloween Parade 1:30-2:45

November 1: Hayfair 3:30-6pm

November 4-8th: Spirit Week

November 4th: LS Health Screenings


Middle School – Sharon Mankovich

  • New Schedule: lunch/snack logistics under evaluation, study hall – students reporting that it is not enough time
  • Owl Café – Now open until 4:00 – This service is for students who are staying late for sports or 4 o’clock study.Students who are being picked up in carline or taking the bus are asked to move directly to their staging/pick-up locations vs. the Owl Café.
  • Car Line - Upper School/Main Entrance will now be open as an additional place to pick up Middle School students after activities.If you arrive before 4:00 to the main entrance, please pull into one of the parking spots to ease congestion.
  • Cintra’s “Fireside Chat” coming in November
  • Reminders from the Deans –
  • Chromebook/School Gmail – only for schoolwork/communication; Personal devices for personal information
  • Uniforms – kilts are NOT to be rolled up; shorts are NOT to be visible under kilts when standing/walking; Dress according to weather
  • Upcoming Events/Dates

Oct 16:  Big/Little Sister Reveal Day (They will eat lunch together on this day)

Oct 22:  Open House Event (Tell your friends!)

Oct 18: Middle School field hockey clinic for 6-8th graders, 9-10:30am

Oct 24:  6th Grade Overnight Trip to Camp Mason – Science Teachers will be sharing info shortly

Nov 6:  Middle School Health Screenings

Nov 12:  Middle School Winter Sports Begin


Upper School – Nissa O’Mara

  • Schedule concerns - athletics dismissals have been more of an issue than initially expected - working with Courtney Lubbe and Athletics Dept. to minimize going forward; also in contact with other schools (ex - Radnor) dealing with new later schedule to see how they are mitigating similar issues
  • Lisa Webster thanks parents for coming to the US parents’ night.
  • Global SSP information night is 10/15.
  • 10/16 is PSAT’s.Seniors will have an all-day application workshop, and the 9th and 10th grades will have service projects in the afternoon.
  • Speak up is on 10/23.This is mandatory for all freshman, and registration is required.This is a wonderful event for both the girls and parents alike, on parent calls it transformative!Parents and daughters are in separate discussion groups.
  • Upcoming dates:

10/15 - Global SSP Parents Night

10/16 - PSAT Day (10th/11th); Senior application workshop; 9th grade service project

10/17-10/18 - US Conferences, NO CLASSES

10/20 - Bel Canto Benefit at St. James School

10/22 - All School Open House, 6:00-8:00PM

10/23 - SpeakUp at AIS

11/1-11/8 - Spirit Week

11/8 - AIS/EA Day

11/6 - MS/US Health Screenings

11/14 - US Fall Sports Recognition

11/18 - US Winter Sports Begin

11/21-23 - US Musical

11/27-12/2 - Thanksgiving Break - NO CLASSES


Events Update – Erin Hinckle

  • Hayfair is coming up on 11/1, and we need help!
    • There is a sign-up genius on AIS-On for volunteering during the event, and for donating baked goods.
    • We also need help collecting items!We keep a master list of stores and items which tracks asks and collections so that we do not ask the same store more than one time.
    • There will also be a pie sale, taking orders for 6 varieties of pies from Linvilla Orchards for your Thanksgiving table.
  • Owlidays is on 11/13.Tickets are available now, and are less expensive purchased in advance as opposed to on the night of.Ticket provides you with 20% participating stores, which is almost all of the stores in Eagle Village.Volunteers will be needed, a sign-up genius is coming soon to AIS-On.
  • Golf outing was a great success, about 16 foursomes played.


150th Update – Kristen Paulson

  • Founders Weekend went well, and was the kickoff to the year long celebration
  • Finding Your Purpose Conference was 10/12
  • The next big event is in the spring.Everyone is invited – students, parents, alums, faculty, and staff.It will run on the entire campus.Tory Burch will be interviewing Billy Jean King.
  • Regional events will be happening as well.


Parents' Council 2019-2020 information
No Packages in Catalog Parents' Council October meeting minutes
Parents' Council October meeting minutes