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Girls Rock! RaisE

Friday, April 12, 2024

Aronimink Golf Club

6:30 p.m.

3600 St. Davids Road, Newtown Square



If you are interested in getting added to the waitlist please email Cathy Ferguson

at cferguson@agnesirwin.org


Hosted by the Agnes Irwin School's Parents' Association

Chaired by: Michelle Karalis P`27 and Vanessa Oliver P`27


Join us on Friday, April 12 in celebrating and supporting our girls at The Agnes Irwin School’s largest Parents’ Association fundraising event of the year, RaisE. Sponsorships, a live auction, and your participation in the event will help us reach our goal of raising $150,000 by the end of the evening. Over the past five years, Parents’ Association has donated close to $1,000,000 to support the school’s mission by providing upgrades to the STEAM Studio, new instruments for the music department, funding for facility professional development, athletic and fitness equipment, and classroom upgrades.  

The funds” RaisE-ed” during this Rocking Evening will directly contribute to the growth and enrichment of Agnes Irwin, ensuring that we continue to provide excellent resources and opportunities for our girls. Your participation and generosity will play a crucial role in making this possible.

How can you help Rock RaisE?


We are always looking for volunteers. Join us at the first RaisE committee meeting on November 29th at 672 Conestoga Road at 7:00 pm. RSVP to Cathy Ferguson at cferguson@agnesirwin.org. If you can spare an hour or more of your time, we can find a job for you! Please contact Michelle Karalis at mihalaki@comcast.net or Vanessa Oliver at voliver99@gmail.com for volunteer opportunities.

Buy a Ticket 

Join fellow parents, friends, and Agnes Irwin School supporters for a rocking evening at Aronimink Golf Club

Ticket cost: $225 per person


RaisE is a fantastic opportunity for individuals and businesses to Rock as sponsors. Sponsor recognition will be included in pre-event publications, the RaisE event website, and prominently displayed at the event.

Sponsorships range from $10,000 to $1,000

We would like to thank our sponsors

Diamond Sponsors

Michelle and Nick Karalis P`27

Vanessa and David Oliver P`27

Rock Star Sponsors

Sharon and Robert Smith GP`27

Backstage Sponsors

Aarti and Jai Bijlani P`28,`30 

Kam and John Bongiorno P`27,`28

Madeline and Bob DeSilets P`30

The Ford Family Foundation

Ali and Sam Glickman P`28, `29

Susan H. McEvoy `00 and Jonathan McEvoy P`31,`34

Lainey and Trip McMahon P`31

Richard and Christine Oliver GP`25,`27

Professional Building Services - Michael McCormack

Jody and Ed Seibert P`18,`21,`25,`31

Sherin Solara and Omar Fahel P`33

Stevie and C.T. Thompson P`07,`09, `11, `12, `16

The Tustin Group - Will Sasser

Manisha and Atul Varma P`31

Joy and Grosset Waterman P`37

Center Stage Sponsors

Lauren and Andrew Addis P`31

Anne and Jason Barnett P`27

Sloan and Anthony Bennett P`32

Fiona and Andy Brimacombe P`35

Alice and Christian Bullitt P`27, 28

Emily and Yale Fillingham P`34, `37

 Jennifer and Thomas Gallagher P`29

Dr. William Gray and Mrs. Traci Kiss Gray P`27

Maria and Deyllen Harrington P`36

Connie and Chris Hermance P`34,`36

Catherine Haldy Jarman `98 and James Franklin Jarman P`29, `31

Megan and Philip Jodz P`24

Emily and Steve Keleher P` 32, `35

Emily and Rob Lambert P`31

Ping Lan and Henry Huang P`31

Main Line Haven-Luxury Real Estate - Haven and Patrick Duddy P'31

Ali and Alex Jackson P`34

Jamie and Kohposh Kuda P`27,`29

Magis Financial Partners - Matthew and Lauren Ligman P`32, `34

Kimberly Rhoads McCarthy`88 and Sean McCarthy P`18,`20,`23,`26

Jen and Gabriel Montoya P'34

Catherine Reilly and Shawn Quigg P`34, `36

Kristin and Ben Scrimalli P`34

Shreiner Tree Care Specialists, Inc. - King of Prussia, PA

Victoria and Steve Soldatovich P`25, `26, `29

 Katie Topolewski P`29, `31

Beth and John Yocum P`27, 29


We would like to thank our

auction and event donors


At the Table 

Kam and John Bongiorno P`27, 28

Lesley and Frank Coulson P`29

Laina and Rob Driscoll

Feel Like a Guest

Sarah and Chester Hall P`37

David Harmelin P`27

Lindsey and Andrew Hurst P`34,`37 (B.A.S.E. Training)

Michelle and Nick Karalis P`27

Sally and Phil Keidel P`27

Lauren and Jim Lawson P`34,`36

Kathlyn and Shawn Lafferty P`26, 29

Lindsey Marshall, DMD `89, P`26

Lilly Pulitzer

Alicia Rhodes

Yasmin and Brad Sorte P`34


Valley Forge Flowers 

Beth and John Yocum P'27,`29